Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Well, I have signed up to take a couple classes at the college.  In pursuit of a degree, and a teaching job.  Let's see... as a full time student, it will take 3 and a half years.  Part time? This doesn't look like a quick fix to any money situation. Anyway, I am doing something, I suppose.  People seem to like hearing that I am doing it.  I have to make a post about my Boars Tusk adventure. Maybe I will do that this weekend.  It is a pretty good story.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

New Year

Well, here is 2010.  No one on the internet read my last entry, out of 3 billion possible people? Not too bad! I have only a very few sub jobs lined up for January.  If it keeps up at this pace, I'll have to go to Green River and throw a hook in the water.  Christmas was great.  I wish we had done a few more things over the break, but I guess it was really more Jean and Abby's break anyway.  They wanted to unwind and lounge around the house.  They did a pretty damn good job of it too!  I am going to get a couple things fixed up tomorrow, and hopefully start cutting tile off the wall in the kitchen.  I have got to get that counter top installed! That'll be my New Year's resolution.  I am really going to try to spend less money this year.  Have to.  Hard to think about more college and the money that'll cost, when we are up to our holes in debt.  Well, I just can't sleep, so I am blathering on here.  Till whenever.